When To Hire A DUI Lawyer in Atlanta
The very first thing you must do when you are accused of a DUI within Atlanta is to find a lawyer. A DUI involves different penalties such as jail time, fines, possible suspension of driver's license and alcohol programs ordered by the court. If you have a DUI on your record, your plans for the future could be affected and you may even have a difficult time finding work. Atlanta DUI attorney
The best course of action can be determined by an attorney from Atlanta city. Attorneys can look for practices that are unconstitutional or errors during the time you were accused of a DUI. Getting to a lawyer and telling them the story as soon as possible will make it easier to remember what happened accurately.
Even a first offense DUI can lead to $500 in fines, a suspended license and possibly jail time. The punishment will be much worse if you are charged for the second or third time and this includes going to jail for as long as five years. The exact punishment will vary by state, county, and township. Atlanta criminal defense attorneys will be your best chance to getting out of a DUI because they know exactly what the charge could entail and the habits of the judge involved with a case. DUI attorney Atlanta
If you are accused of a DUI in Atlanta, do not wait to get a lawyer! Even if you think that you have been given an unlawful DUI, don't ever drive on a suspended license! No matter what the situation may be, do not get behind the wheel of a car! Driving with a suspended driver's license will only make the case worse.
DUIs could even make it difficult to find a job in the future, especially if a driving license is essential to the job. It's more difficult to ensure a driver with a DUI on their record, so employers will rather not hire somebody who has been charged.
If you are definitely and undeniably guilty of the DUI you were accused of, a lawyer can help plead your situation. If you were charged with a DUI for the first time, the best attorney could help reduce your sentence and fine.